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One in four adults aged 65 and older will experience a fall this year—with most falls occurring in the bathroom. Bath Safety Month is an important reminder to take extra precautions in the bathroom to prevent slips and falls. Here are five steps you can take to make your bathroom safer for people of all ages and abilities.

1. Keep the Bathroom Well-Lit and Hazard-Free

Ensure that your bathroom has good lighting to help you see where you’re walking and to make it easy to spot any potential safety hazards. Be sure to keep any electrical appliances out of the bathroom, such as hairdryers and electric razors. Avoid using any of them in close proximity to any water sources, including the sink, tub, or shower.

2. Install Grab Bars
Installing grab bars is a great way to make the space safer and more accessible. Grab bars can provide much-needed support when entering and exiting the bathtub or shower and can also help with balance when getting up from the toilet. They can be installed on any wall surface and come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit your needs.

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3. Add Non-Slip Mats or Treads

Nonslip mats can be placed in slippery areas like the bottom of the tub to add traction. Consider those with large, strong suction cups to ensure the mat stays in place.

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4. Add a Shower Chair or Transfer Bench

Shower chairs or stools are an excellent way to keep people with limited mobility safer while bathing. While a simple bath chair can provide a sense of stability and comfort, transfer benches, which extend over the wall of the tub, allows users to enter the tub from a seated position for greater security.

Shop Shower Chairs & Bath Benches »

5. Install an Elevated Toilet Seat

Moving the toilet seat up a few inches can make it substantially easier to sit down and stand up for individuals who experience joint pain or difficulty with balance. For additional security and independence, advanced models like the PreserveTech™ Raised Toilet Seat with Bidet even feature in-seat cleansing to minimize reaching or bending that can lead to injuries.

Shop Raised Toilet Seats »

Need Help Choosing the Right Bathroom Safety Products?

Find the right bath safety products for your needs with these free guides.

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